Why are some people successful where others struggle? There are certainly many reasons but what seems to be essential to success is to have a goal. When there is a clearly articulated goal that is focused on daily the likelihood of success is high. Obstacles are overcome and adversities navigated, but the goal is always there.
This simple truth is understood by many. We all like to hear the stories of someone overcoming barriers to achieve success. Such stories give us hope. Stories of athletes who have overcome difficult injuries and come back to achieve even greater success. The immigrant success story has been repeated for centuries. They arrive in this country, work hard, maybe build a business…but consistent effort and focus on the goal prevail. Isn’t it great that this opportunity has helped so many!
When I lose sight of my objective and let competing desires get in the way success becomes elusive. I’m sure we can all think of examples of where we have persevered and succeeded and lost focus and failed. The good news is that when we get distracted and have a setback we can get back on track and back in the game.