Spiritual Direction

A Journey to  Yourself

A spiritual director is not a counselor or a therapist but a friend of our soul who accompanies us on our spiritual journey with wise counsel and the support that sustains us in times of doubt or difficulty. .

The quest for meaning is very important; it calls for us to discern God's presence in the midst of our daily activities. Many of us have trouble with the spiritual practice of listening — especially in a culture with so many distractions and so much noise. That is why silence is "the royal road to spiritual formation."

Henri J. M. Nouwen (1932 - 1996) had a major influence on the discipline and art of Spiritual Direction. He taught a course in spiritual direction at Yale Divinity School. His words best describe my understanding of this practice:

"The goal of spiritual direction is spiritual formation — the ever-increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart. A spiritual life cannot be formed without discipline, practice, and accountability. There are many spiritual disciplines. Almost anything that regularly asks us to slow down and order our time, desires, and thoughts to counteract selfishness, impulsiveness, or hurried fogginess of mind can be a spiritual discipline.

"For me, at least three classic disciplines or spiritual practices are particularly useful in the spiritual direction relationship. They can help create space for God within us: (1) the discipline of the Heart, (2) the discipline of the Book, and (3) the discipline of the Church or community of faith. Together, these spiritual practices help us overcome our resistances to contemplative listening and active obedience to God and free us to live an embodied and fulfilled spiritual life."

This is the shape and sense of what I do as a Spiritual Director for my “companions” on the journey to themselves.

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