Bill Daniel, CPC, ELI-MP
Insight for Leadership Excellence, LLC
Bill spent his career in sales and marketing with three large companies. He was a VP of Sales, National Director of Corporate Accounts, and Regional Sales Director. He also ran a trade association for pharmaceutical providers in Washington D.C.
As his career progressed, Bill came to know that developing one’s ability to motivate and energize others were keys to leadership success. The leaders that he witnessed achieving superior results were those who could bring people together and build a cohesive team.
He learned first-hand that growth was the result of self-awareness. Developing a keen understanding of how others viewed them led to effective leadership for Bill and those he mentored and trained. Gaining in this awareness can be enhanced with assessments and tools. Effective “servant leaders” generally deliver superior results and committed teams.
Bill attended the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC), a top rated coaching school recognized by a leading business magazine as one of the 4 best coaching schools nationally.. There he became a certified professional coach. He also received advanced training in the Energy Leadership Index, an excellent coaching tool for personal development. Additionally he was certified to administer the Strong Interest Inventory, a key carer choice tool as well as an indicator of work style preferences and career “fit” indicators. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is also used in conjunction with the Strong in career assessments.
Understanding ones passion is a key learning that can lead to fulfillment in ones work. During coaching school Bill learned to utilize a variety of tools that can help someone learn more about our “purpose”. Values, interests, passions and aspirations are key indicators to our purpose. Ones spirituality is also a link to this self awareness. All of these indicators inspired the creation of the Life Purpose Course.
Bill has always had a deep spiritual bent. He pursued training and certification at the Shalem Institute in Bethesda, MD in their Spiritual Guide Program. He sees people as a spiritual guide individually and also leads groups.